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Achieve Your Cosmetic Goals with Dual Laser Skin Resurfacing

Dual lasers penetrate deep into the skin. It uses collimated beams to restructure your damaged skin from the inside, combining powerful laser skin resurfacing techniques to rejuvenate your skin. 

Learn how dual laser cosmetic treatment works, the difference between ablative and non-ablative treatments, and what to expect from your skin treatment. 

Let’s get started. 

What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

“Laser” stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. With laser skin resurfacing, a dermatologist or skin care physician uses a cosmetic laser device to improve your skin’s appearance. Very minimal radiation from the laser removes layers of skin with incredible precision.

Laser skin resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure that restores your clear, youthful skin and prevents signs of aging. It helps reduce wrinkles, age spots, and acne scars. Other names for this cosmetic treatment are laser peel, laser vaporization, and lasabrasion.

Dual Laser Skin Resurfacing

The Aerolase Lightpod Neo is the latest development in facial exfoliation at the Cosmetic Rejuvenation Center. It is a non-invasive skin tightening and rejuvenation treatment that uses dual lasers to treat blemishes deep beneath the skin. It exfoliates and repairs the top layer of the skin.

Dual lasers radiate collimated beams of light energy. These are parallel rays that spread minimally onto the skin. Collimated light beams help the laser focus on small spots to restructure your skin.

Ablative vs. Non-ablative Laser

Ablative lasers remove the outer layer of the skin. It heats the layer beneath it and stimulates collagen growth, which improves your skin’s texture and firmness. Ablative laser skin resurfacing is an aggressive skin rejuvenation treatment.

Non-ablative laser skin resurfacing is less aggressive than ablative lasers. The technique does not cause injuries to the skin. It also has a shorter recovery time than ablative laser treatment. 

Both methods are non-invasive treatments that may use fractional lasers. Fractional lasers give off laser beams that target the skin a fraction at a time. Dual lasers combine these powerful laser techniques.

What to Expect from the Treatment

How long it takes for the skin to heal after laser skin resurfacing depends on several factors. Redness, swelling, and itchiness are side effects of cosmetic treatments. The redness generally fades away in 2 to 3 months, but most people recover in 5 days or up to 3 weeks. 

The type of laser used is one key factor that affects your skin’s recovery time after the procedure. Your skin will start to peel within 5 to 7 days. 

Try Our Dual Laser Skin Treatment

Board-certified plastic surgeons at Cosmetic Rejuvenation Center use the signature dual laser from Aerolase to treat your skin. These specialized lasers have collimated laser beams that target deep below the surface of your skin. 

If you’re looking to get back that youthful glow to your skin, try our signature dual laser facial treatment to achieve your skincare goals. 

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with our specialists.