31100 Pinetree Rd #105, Pepper Pike, OH, 44124
Body Contouring Treatment
CoolSculpting is a revolutionary non-surgical contouring treatment that freezes stubborn fat, which then is naturally eliminated from your body. No needles, no special diets, no supplements, no surgery and most importantly, no downtime. It’s safe, FDA-approved, effective, and does exactly what it’s supposed to do.
How Does
CoolSculpting Work?
Using a technology developed by Harvard scientists, CoolSculpting targets and freezes fat cells causing their natural death in the treatment area. It’s completely non-invasive so there is no cutting, no needles and no anesthesia. Patients typically read, work on their laptops, listen to music or relax during the procedure.

Benefits to CoolSculpting
It involves no needles, surgery or downtime. Because the CoolSculpting procedure is non-invasive, patients can resume daily activities including work and exercise, immediately following treatment.
It’s Easy.
CoolSculpting patients can sit or lie comfortably and read, work on their laptop or even nap during the procedure. The procedure is performed in our center by a trained medial professional specializing in these cosmetic procedures.
It’s Convenient.
Procedures last about one to two hours, so treatment can easily be performed during a lunch hour or without major disruption to the day.
Are CoolSculpting Results Permanent?
CoolSculpting results are lasting, as long as you maintain your healthy lifestyle. The fat cells that are eliminated from CoolSculpting do not return
Before & After