31100 Pinetree Rd #105, Pepper Pike, OH, 44124

Based in Los Angeles, iS CLINICAL® is a respected industry leader dedicated to staying on the cutting edge of cosmeceutical technology. Using a global approach to research and development, iS CLINICAL® combines traditional botanical medicine with advanced scientific formulation expertise, making clinical results accessible to a wider audience than ever before. iS CLINICAL® utilizes the most advanced pharmaceutical-grade ingredients available and is dedicated to ethically advancing the science of skincare.

In 2001, Allergan developed a medicated eye drop called bimatoprost to treat glaucoma. By a stroke of serendipity, many of the patients noticed something happening to their eyelashes. Their eyelashes grew longer, fuller, and darker while on the medication. This unexpected side effect prompted Allergan to study bimatoprost for the use in eyelash hypotrichosis, which is the medical term for an inadequate amount of hair.
The study produced remarkable results. At week 16, patients had an average of 1.4 mm growth in length (25 percent increase) and a 106 percent increase in fullness and thickness. The results of the study resulted in Latisse® become the first and only FDA-approved treatment to lengthen, darken, and thicken eyelashes for people with insufficient lashes.

Born out of the desire to deliver confidence through skincare, that targets the root of your concerns, Sente utilizes scientifically backed innovations to improve the products you use in your routine to deliver exceptional results, fast. It’s patented Heparan Sulfate molecule, replenishes the skin’s immune system to tackle inflammation from within to repair the skin and prevent the causes of premature aging.