31100 Pinetree Rd #105, Pepper Pike, OH, 44124

Elite MPX™ Laser
Cosmetic Rejuvenation Center offers the latest in laser hair removal treatments to reduce and remove unwanted hair by destroying the hair follicle through the use of the Elite MPX™ Laser.
With the Elite MPX™ laser hair removal can work for almost everyone, including all skin colors and most hair types. For women, it’s a great alternative to creams and waxing for reducing hair on the face and body, including delicate areas around the lips and the bikini line. For men, laser hair removal is great for permanently reducing chest and back hair for a cleaner, younger look.
Rely on laser hair removal for treatment of unwanted hair on your face, underarms, arms, chest, back, bikini line, and legs!

Laser hair removal can remove hair from the face (except around the eyes), back, chest, arms, underarms, bikini line, and legs.
The pigment in the hair follicle absorbs the laser light and converts the light to heat. The heat, in turn, damages the follicle and alters its ability to re-grow. It is important to treat each follicle during the active cycle for maximum hair reduction.
The laser pulses for just a fraction of a second, heating the hair follicle and impairing its ability to re-grow. The Elite MPX™ utilizes SmartCool® air cooling technology that cools before during and after each laser pulse to protect your skin and make treatments more comfortable.
Treatments will be performed in a series ranging from four to six weeks apart. The number of treatments required, varies from individual to individual, but most patients will need a minimum of six treatments to achieve desired results. Compliance in treatment schedule and at home post procedure care plays the most important role in the long-term effects of the laser hair removal treatments.
- Pregnancy
- Reactions to medications and/or prescriptions
- The natural aging process
- Different heredity traits
- Imbalances in hormones or issues with glands
- Certain diseases may cause excessive growth of hair
- No sun exposure, tanning/tanning products for a minimum of 4 weeks prior treatment
There could be many reasons that a person experiences excessive hair growth and those reasons should be fully investigated with a medical professional before you schedule laser hair removal treatments.
Laser hair removal is available for all skin types, including very light and very dark skin, and most hair colors. The best way to answer this is to have a consultation.
Your treatment provider can provide individualized information on potential side effects with you.
Laser hair removal treatments CAN NOT be performed on skin that is tanned, or has been altered by tanning lotions, tanning beds or the sun.
Some typical side effects of laser hair removal include a mild sunburn-like sensation (redness), accompanied by some minor swelling immediately following the treatment. These effects may last a few days.
Before & After