Clarity II

Acne/pigmented lesions

Clarity II: Acne/pigmented lesions
The Clarity II system utilizes advanced laser technology to address the root causes of acne, targeting sebaceous glands and reducing inflammation. By doing so, this non-invasive treatment can significantly improve the appearance of acne-prone skin and prevent future breakouts.
What is Acne?
Acne, formally known as Acne vulgaris, is one of the most commonly faced skin conditions. Varying in size, shape, frequency, and intensity, acne can come in multiple forms, like blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pimples, and cysts. More than skin deep, acne primarily originates from hormonal imbalances, especially spikes in testosterone. That’s why teenagers during puberty and women around their menstrual cycles often battle breakouts. Stress can exacerbate these hormonal shifts, fueling further outbreaks.

How comfortable are the laser acne treatments?

Most patients report very little discomfort. They describe the treatment sensation as a warm prickly feeling, with a rapid snapping sound while the laser delivers energy to the skin. Typically, no anesthesia or topical is needed as the treatment is extremely tolerable, even for patients with sensitivity to discomfort.

How many treatments are required to achieve the best results?

The number of sessions depends on the severity of your acne and the specific treatment your doctor recommends. Together, you’ll craft a plan that aligns with your unique needs.

Is this treatment safe for all skin types?

Though treating darker skin tones can be challenging, expert use of high-quality devices can produce remarkable results.

What are pigmented lesions?

Pigmented lesions stem from a variety of natural and environmental factors, such as sun damage, genetic makeup, and the aging process. They can also appear as side effects of certain medical treatments. Pigmented lesions can vary in size, shape, and frequency across different skin areas and include age spots, freckles, hyperpigmentation, actinic keratosis, and pigment-related birthmarks.
The treatment for pigmented lesions operates on the principle of selective photothermolysis. The correct wavelength of light zeroes in on pigment, transforming the light energy into heat that shatters pigment particles. Surrounding tissue remains undamaged. To maximize results, multiple sessions are usually required.


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